1 Cakes & Louie: Beginnings

Thursday, March 1, 2012


The first piece I worked on for The Everygirl is posted today! It's a "blogwatch" on Siubhan of Simple Village Girl, a site I found my very favorite way - just clicking around from one blog to another and seeing what other girls are reading. Although I didn't have to do a whole lot of actual writing for the blogwatch, I'm excited that something I worked on is live on the site and looks amazing (thanks to Siubhan's gorgeous photography). So, head on over and check it out!

In other news, I bought these adorable super-cheap leopard print flats at Target last night, and I am in love. Look at me go, being all girly and buying cute shoes.

I also bought a 2-pack of wooden Dwell Studio place mats for $3 on clearance that I promptly dropped directly on my foot leaving an instant bruise. Good thing I now have fun new patterned flats to distract from the black and blue mark I'll likely be sporting for a solid week or so.

1 comment:

  1. Loved the Blogwatch article today! I'm also digging your leopard flats! I got a pair like them at Payless near Christmas-time and need to start wearing them more!
