1 Cakes & Louie: Cancelled

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Yours truly managed to come down with a cold AND the nasty norovirus stomach flu all at the same time... the night before we were supposed to leave for Florida. Needless to say, my 100 degree fever, weak stomach and major congestion had me in no condition to get on an airplane last night, so we're still in good old (cold) Chicago.

I spent the entire day in bed yesterday feeling sorry for myself. I got up once to pee and once to stare at my packed suitcase, and otherwise stayed under the covers watching season 1 of Parenthood on Netflix and texting with my awesome friends and family who were checking on me throughout the day. I even got a text from little baby Liam wishing me well - what a cutie! I also called my dad in tears so he could help make me feel better about missing vacation. All in all, it was a pretty miserable and very pitiful day.

My awesome brother and sister-in-law are trying their hardest to pull some strings and get us on a flight out tomorrow so we can still spend a few days in the sunshine. We'll see if it all works out. For now, I'm spending another day in bed, grateful that my fever has mostly subsided and my stomach is at least letting me eat bananas and saltines. I have high hopes that I will be a solid 80% by tonight or tomorrow, and if there's a chance we can still pull off a (shortened) vacation, I'll take it. 


  1. That stinks! Hope you feel better soon and that you get to take your vacation. Take Care of yourself. Angie

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